Thursday, June 9, 2011

Council Meeting Highlights from June 7, 2011


On May 3, 2011 Council had a lengthy discussion about Zoning Amendment (Russo) Bylaw 784, 2011 to re-zone 8, large rural lots along Oyama Road from Rural Large Parcel to a site specific zone RLOP, Rural Large Parcel Oyama Road allowing future limited subdivision while maintaining the OCP vision of a rural area. By approving the Zoning Amendment, Council is not granting approval to any future subdivisions, but is simply creating a zone which could allow for potential subdivisions. Subdivisions would still need to go through the formal application and approval process to ensure that servicing requirements are met including final approval from the approving officer. The Bylaw was given 2 readings and forwarded to public hearing to hear comments from the public. There were almost 30 concerned residents in attendance at the public hearing who voiced concerns specifically around the subdivided property sizes and requested that Council ensure sufficient investigation is done on the available ground water in the area.



Council approved a DVP for an applicant on Maddock Ave allowing an existing deck to encroach into the left side yard setback. The deck was previously constructed and did not meet the setback requirements of the zoning bylaw. On March 1, 2011 staff recommended that a Notice on Title be placed on the property and Council tabled the recommendation pending the receipt of a variance application from the property owner. Council approved the variance request which varies the north property line side yard setback from 3 metres to 0.43 metres as per staff's recommendation.


OCP AMENDMENT BYLAW 773, 2011 & ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 774, 2011 (0825634 BC Ltd)

Council gave 2 readings to OCP Amendment Bylaw 773, 2011 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 774, 2011 and forwarded the bylaws to public hearing. The bylaws rezone the current industrial and residential zones and amend the OCP allowing for commercial development on the properties located on Oceola and Woodview Roads. The bylaws also create the Turtle Bay Crossing Development Permit Area which regulates the form and character of the commercial development by way of a direct control zone which includes site specific design guidelines. Council discussed the possible need for a second access in the proposed Turtle Bay Crossing Development area and requested that the topic be discussed further prior to adoption of the bylaw.



Council deferred a Temporary Use Permit application for a property on Chase Road where the applicant was requesting permission to allow storage of heavy oversized equipment on a residential lot. Council requested that the owner of the property apply for a Development Permit to bring the land alternations that have occurred into compliance. As insufficient material had been provided for staff to properly analyze the Temporary Use application staff were directed to gather the required information and bring the proposal back to Council.



Council approved a 2-year extension of the DeSchutter Temporary Commercial Permit allowing New Beginnings Early Learning Centre to continue operating until an application to rezone the property to commercial use can be made.



At the May 3rd Regular meeting Council considered a Temporary User Permit from Lake Country Harvest to to expand a home-based fruit processing business and hire some additional staff for the summer months. Some concerns were expressed by the applicant's neighbours about the operation being located in a residential area. At that time staff recommended approval of a 3-year permit and Council approved a 1‐year permit. Since that time, the applicant has submitted a letter to Council requesting reconsideration of its decision and that the permit be issued for three years instead of one. Staff supported the original recommendation for issuance of a 3 yr permit and this time, Council agreed, noting that a 3 year permit will eliminate the uncertainly for the business that a one year licence would impose, and increase its success.



The Draft 2010 Annual Report was presented to Council and the final 2010 Annual Report will presented on June 21, 2011 at the Regular Council Meeting at 7 p.m. for Council to adopt. The District is looking for public comment on the Annual Report on or before the June 21st meeting and comments can be submitted by mail, email or directly to Council on the 21st of June. The Annual Report can be seen on the website here or at the Customer Service Centre at the Municipal Hall.

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