Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 4th Council Meeting Highlights

Zoning Amendment (Royston) Bylaw 795, 2011
The Royston Zoning Amendment Bylaw proposes to rezone the property at 9614 Chase Road from single family to duplex. After a discussion and a request for additional information from staff on the water supply to the property, Council gave Bylaw 795 third reading.

Zoning Amendment (Russo) Bylaw 784, 2011
The Russo Zoning Amendment Bylaw proposes to re-zone 8 large rural lots along Oyama Road and was met with some controversy at the Public Hearing on June 7th. Residents expressed concern about the subdivided property sizes and sufficient ground water in the area. The bylaw had been referred back to staff to consider a reduction in density and a site specific zone of Rural Large Parcel Oyama Road which would allow limited subdivision while maintaining the OCP vision of a rural area.  The amended bylaw reduces the number of lots on the northernmost properties by 3. Council had a lengthy discussion about the water availability on the properties and the effect that subdividing would have on the surrounding properties.  Council’s motion to send the bylaw back to a public hearing was defeated and a second motion giving the bylaw 3rd reading subject to receiving a hydrogeological report that meets the satisfaction of the Approving Officer prior to 4th reading, was passed.

Development Variance Permit 12976 East Ridge Ct.
The applicant received a Building Permit authorizing the construction of a single family dwelling unit at 12976 East Ridge Court. The structure was located within the rear‐yard setback of the property. The applicant built the home as per the plans and a variance permit is now required to authorize the encroachment into the setback before final occupancy can be issued. Council approved Development Variance Permit 2010-010 relaxing the rear yard setback from 6 to 3.7 m.

Subdivision Application 15042 Oyama Road
A portion of Oyama Road crosses private property located at 15042 Oyama Road and the owner of the property suggested swapping a laneway located along the rear side of the property for the trespassing roadway.  The laneway is also owned by the District and Council supported staff’s recommendation in rejecting the proposed application on the basis that the travelled portion of Oyama Road is protected under the Provincial Transportation Act. If the land swap was approved the District would be trading its own land (the laneway) for land that the District has control of by way of provincial legislation.

Corporate Business Systems Review
In view of the unfortunate threat of another recession being more real than ever and in order to alleviate possible tax increases in the 2012 budget the Chief Administrator Officer requested that Council initiate a Business Systems Review with the intent of finding efficiencies within the budget. It was suggested that Council contemplate a conservative financial plan and find efficiencies within the current and future budget to minimize tax and fee increases to the maximum extent possible while trying to minimize the effect on current services. The assistance of an external, experienced professional is necessary to provide an unbiased approach to the methodology and Council authorized staff to proceed with the Business Systems Review allocating $30,000 from prior years’ general fund accumulated surplus for this project which will be completed in time for budget deliberations.

Letter of Support for the Okanagan Indian Band
The Okanagan Indian Band is submitting a proposal to the BC Capacity Initiative to assist in its land‐use planning goals and requested a letter of support from the District Country to include with their proposal. The BC Capacity Initiative is a federal initiative committed to “supporting First Nations to enhance their capacity to prepare for consultation, negotiation, implementation or management of land and resources components of current or future aboriginal title settlement agreements”. Council was happy to assist the application by providing a letter of support.

Fire Prevention Bylaw
The District’s previous Fire Prevention Bylaw was adopted shortly after incorporation and as the District has evolved it has become evident that the fire department requires prevention language in the bylaw to address specific concerns within the community considering the department’s staffing and resource capabilities. Besides providing updated language, the proposed Fire Prevention Bylaw 800, 2011 will adopt the BC Fire Code, relocate the Regional District of the Central Okanagan’s Fireworks Bylaw into the Lake Country bylaw and be linked to the MTI and Adjudicated ticketing process for enforcement purposes. The bylaw revision was one of the fire department’s 2011 strategic objectives and Council gave 3 readings to Fire Prevention Bylaw 800, 2011, Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw 801, 2011 and Municipal Ticketing Information Amendment Bylaw 802, 2011

Davidson Road Pathway
Councillor Gambell provided a Notice of Motion for discussion by Council requesting that $25,000 from prior years’ general fund accumulated surplus be allocated to continue the pedestrian pathway northwards up Bond Road and to straighten the pathway section at the intersection of Davidson and Bond Roads and that the work be completed in the Fall of 2011.  Staff will provide a report on the Notice of Motion for the next Council meeting.

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